Despite the technological world we live in, nothing beats a tried and true paper business card. It's a staple of personal branding and marketing, and every business owner should carry some on them at all times. A business card is a great way to form a relationship with a potential client, and much easier than trying to text someone a phone number or email address. When in doubt, pull a business card out!
Here’s a few reasons why there's so much power in that little card.
It's a great marketing tool
To date, there's no better way to market than in-person, and that's what makes having business cards such a no-brainer. Since they're small and light, you can have a few on you at a time to give to people interested in your business. Nothing gives off a great first impression like a well designed business card.
It familiarizes people with your brand
We've already discussed the importance of having a logo in a previous post (which you can read here). For many people, your business card may be a potential client's first look at your brand, and thus their first impression of you. You want that impression to be as positive as possible, and your business card can achieve this goal.
It allows you to quickly share your contact information
There's no sense in going through the trouble of jotting down your contact information on a napkin or loose piece of paper. Simply reaching into your pocket or purse and providing someone a business card is not only quicker, but it also shows that you're always prepared. This gives off a sense of professionalism and puts your best foot forward.
It's perfect for networking
Despite how much texting has become a staple of our communication today, it's still rather impersonal when compared to a business card. If your goal is to build relationships and make an impact with both potential clients and potential partners, you can't go wrong with a business card.
People expect it
In short, business cards are part of your proof of professionalism. Anyone serious about doing business with you will expect that at the very least, you have a business card to hand them. If you don't have one, it's likely you will appear to be less than professional, and the client may prefer doing business elsewhere.
Business cards are professional, portable, and an excellent way to be more memorable to your clients in a way that digital marketing simply can't compete with. Make sure you've got your beautiful cards on you at all times. You never know when you'll be asked, "Do you have a card?"