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What is Personal Branding?

Have you ever heard of personal branding? I suspect that it is a term you’re at least vaguely familiar with, but have you ever given any thought to what it actually means? Let us take a quick moment to discuss it this week, as personal branding is both pretty cool and useful to have an understanding of.

Maryland jewelry maker holding a hammer and wearing an orange apron in her studio
Jewelry maker working in studio

What is Personal Branding?

Simply put, personal branding is how a person presents themself to the world. This involves how they come across on their social media accounts, as well as how their website looks, the way they dress, or even how the person speaks and interacts with others. Effective personal branding is intentional and takes careful planning and thought.

The term “personal branding” is often used in terms of small business owners and entrepreneurs, but personal branding can apply to anyone! Think about how you present yourself during a job interview, connecting with old friends for the first time in years, how you present yourself on TikTok or LinkedIn, or interacting with neighbors when you’re new to a neighborhood. Personal branding is all about creating a consistent and cohesive image.

Why Personal Branding?

For small business owners and entrepreneurs, it is very much the same. A business owner may think that only the product or service they have to sell is what matters to customers, but customers (particularly those who frequent small businesses) love connecting with small business owners. It is great for customers to feel like they can relate to who they’re buying their

products or services from. Why do you think adorable little neighborhood coffee shops do so well when entities like Starbucks and Dunkin’ are on nearly every corner in America? While it is

possible to form relationships with the baristas at your big-chain coffee shop if you frequent that shop regularly, how often do you actually get to know the owner? How often does it actually feel like a warm and cozy place that you want to spend huge chunks of your day in? It’s possible to get great service in a big-chain shop, but the experience can typically be rather impersonal.

Maryland jewelry maker wearing a silver custom piece of jewelry and a blue handmade sweater
Jewelry maker wearing a custom piece of jewelry and a handmade sweater

If you’re a small business owner and you have never put yourself as the face of your product or service, now is the time for change! Connect with your clients in a way you never have before

and take an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. Your clients and business will thank you and you’ll have a greater sense of pride for the product or service you sell!

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