I started this off as an Instagram post, but then I realized that it would make a great blog post instead.
Confession time!
The last time we updated our own photos was just before the pandemic started. Considering the fact that this is now the middle of 2022, that means it has definitely been a while. We were both feeling great about being in front of the camera because we'd lost a ton of weight and really got into shape.
Then covid hit.
Every single pound we lost came back just as quickly as we lost it. I also had surgery and we experienced two major deaths in our family, back-to-back. Honestly, the last thing we wanted to do was be in front of the camera, so we didn't, and in the process, people sort of forgot that we even had a business.
Sure, everyone saw the images we took of other people, but they weren't seeing who was taking those images. I always went out of my way to wholeheartedly tell other people that they were perfect the way they were and that NOW was the perfect time to have their pictures taken, all while being too scared to have my own photos taken because I was being critical of myself. Basically, I was a huge hypocrite!
Don't get me wrong - there were several times in that almost 3-year time period that we planned to update our pictures, but there was ALWAYS an excuse for why it couldn't happen, and I was typically the creator of those excuses. Fear and excuses almost kept us from updating our photos over the weekend, but I got it together and had Johnny finally photograph me. Once I reminded myself how important it was for me to remain visible in this business, it was pretty easy for me to stay motivated and keep my eyes on the prize. It was honestly a painless experience once I stopped being critical of myself, and these are truly my favorite pictures now!
NOW really is the time for you to be seen in your business. You are what makes your business unique and truly yours. No one else can bring the special qualities to your business that you do. No one! You don't need to lose or gain 10lbs or buy a plethora of new outfits. We have hair and makeup covered (and our artists are fabulous), but you don't even have to do that if you don't want to! The most important thing you can do is show up and know what you're showing up for.